An Engagement Session in Lexington, Kentucky - Carolyn + Xavier

When I met Carolyn and Xavier one afternoon at my favorite coffee shop, Coffee TImes, immediately I was stoked for their session. During our meeting, Carolyn and Xavier told me the story of how he proposed. It's an insane one -- Xavier flew in/drove/got a bus ticket/worked out SOMETHING for 20+ of their closest friends and family to be a part of his proposal to his lady. Exactly one year prior to their to-be set wedding date, Xavier dropped to a knee in the gorgeous Red River Gorge to ask Carolyn to be by his side for forever. Little did she know, their closest friends and family were tucked away watching the whole thing go down. This was one of the most on the edge-of-your-seat, sweetest stories I've ever heard. I'm so excited be a part of their big day next Autumn and to capture the beginning of the next chapter of their lives. 

