Happy December!! This was a fun one to be a part of…
About a month before this all went down, I secretly met up with Alan at his office to plan the most perfect proposal for his lady. Sarah Caton is an amazing friend, but she’s also a writes and shares more about herself on her blog about entrepreneurship, feminism, photography, and life in Lexington, Kentucky called Space Place and Southern Grace. Alan is a huge supporter of Sarah’s, and explained how he knew she’s so deserving of the perfect proposal. So I ended up “tricking” Sarah into thinking we were getting our Christmas card photos made at Buffalo Trace Distillery, but ended up having the entire proposal thing planned behind her back. We started with Max and I getting photographed, then I flipped it around and photographed her and Alan in a few places. Just at the perfect moment, I had Sarah turn around, Alan dropped down to a knee, and to Sarah’s surprise, she was being asked to become his wife. Of course, I was puddling up behind the camera, also trying to focus on doing my job well, but also being a human and in the moment who shows emotion.
I’m so excited for these two sweet friends! Their wedding next Fall will be so, so lovely and I just can’t wait!