Give me all the dogs, pleaseandthankyou! Seriously, though. I had such a blast shooting Shelby and Noah’s sweet engagement photos at Jacobson Park! It was the perfect, cool, Fall night and the sun was soooo pretty at golden hour. These two are huge outdoors people, so it was only perfect that we shot these at their favorite local park! If you’ve never been, Jacobson Park is a decently-sized public space in Lexington, Kentucky, I love how many diverse people come and enjoy its wide open spaces, the Pines, the lake, and so much more. (Shelby and Noah even noted how their dog loves the dog park!) It’s honestly such a great space and I love coming here to shoot + also to enjoy the scenery, myself.
So it’s only fitting that Shelby and Noah will have an outdoor wedding in the trees at the Red River Gorge next summer. Um, YES PLEASE! I cannot wait.

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