Miss Molly Vintage at Michler's Florist

When the winter blues get you down, I urge you to stop into one of my favorite spots in Lexington, Michler's. This place is magical and sweet. So when Emily and I...

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90's-Inspired Shoot

One of the things I've been wanting to focus on with my entire re-brand and new website is more creative shoots. Although these shoots aren't necessarily in my main...

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One of my closest friends asked me to do some portraits and I was super stoked. I called up my friend, Emily at Miss Molly Vintage, for a collaboration for...

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It seems like yesterday I was watching her start high school and now she's about to graduate! I can't believe how fast time slips away sometimes. I loved getting to shoot Stevi as one of my Senior Reps. This girl has the most beautiful smile, sweetest heart, and amazing personality. So when Stevi's mom suggested we do the session at their farm with their horses and Stevi's precious kitten, I was ALL IN. I am so pleased with all of these photos and have been dying to post them! *insert all the heart eyes* I hope your senior year is amazing, Stevi, and I wish you the very best!




Every now and then, I am blessed to meet clients who long for different photos, who have ideas of their own, and who are creative in what they wish to capture during their session. When I met with Candace and her mom before her session, we talked about incorporating this unique location with a rock face and inlet to the Kentucky river in a friend's backyard into the session. Not only did we start the sunrise session at my favorite local vineyard, Talon Winery and Vineyards, but we ended at this amazing location where Candace seamlessly walked through a creek bed (in a dress and ballet flats, mind you) to get the most unique and stunning senior photos. I loved photographing this girl! She was so fun, yet simple, and up for literally anything. I cannot wait to see where this life takes Candace, and I know nature is definitely in her heart.



Holly and Micah

During my model call for a styled shoot in the Red River Gorge, I met with Holly and Micah to see if they were a fit for the shoot. Once we got talking, I knew we would have a blast and get some amazing shots with the gorgeous landscapes and perfectly-golden sun. (All the heart eyes!)

We headed out to the Gorge one evening and I photographed these two on the way to our stop at Chimney Rock. I loved how these two giggled, played, and loved on each other throughout their session. They're such a sweet couple and it's been an honor to capture their love through my lens. Congratulations, you two!



Ambassador Co.

Super excited about getting this awesome, new collaboration started with the fellas at Ambassador Co. This brand is dedicated to outfitting gentlemen in polished or luxury items that make any guy feel and look their best! A storefront here in Lexington is coming SUPER soon, so make sure to follow them on Instagram for updates on all the cool stuff happening!

